We cried together laying in bed, I had taken a pregnancy test (
2 actually) a few nights before, but we hadn't had time to really let it sink in. I took the tests with my best friend, already knowing what they'd say. But I still panicked. Cried. Had no idea what I was going to do.
"Isn't there still a chance you aren't?" Devin asked me.
No. I knew I was. I knew before I took the test, I just felt different. I hadn't been sick or anything, but I was late, and I could tell my body was changing. We had no idea what to do. I knew there was a chance that something could happen, it was early (
around 6 weeks I think) and so I didn't want to tell our parents yet.
So we didn't, and time kept passing and we still hadn't. I made an appointment that would fall in week 13, and decided to wait to tell anyone. We had been arguing over everything and I knew it was the stress of not knowing what to do. So in the worst way, on a random day in the summer, Devin told his mom. I won't get into the story, but it didn't go well. At this point I was sure it was going to be okay, I would be 23 and him 22, on the path to graduating. So his parents knew, and no one talked about any of it until my appointment. And at 11 weeks I told my mom, crying and scared to death of her reaction. What's your plan? My mom had the reaction someone can only hope for. She wanted to know our plan and let us know it would be okay.
So we had my first appointment and confirmed that our nugget had a heartbeat.
Neither one of us had any preference on boy or girl. And August 6th we listened to the nurse talk about the measurements of all of baby's parts.. "It's a girl baby, do you have a name picked out?" My voice cracked from excitement when I told her Sawyer.
"Oh, like from One Tree Hill?" That's the reaction we got so often. Yes, Sawyer, like from One Tree Hill. Lee, like my middle name and my mom and grandmas middle names. A co-ed name, like Sam.
We went to eat with some of my best friends and then went shopping for girl clothes! I bought 6 month summer stuff on clearance like a crazy person. Even some 9 month fall stuff. People normally get newborn/0-3 outfits for gifts, so I was preparing for the future. And when I think back on all of our planning for the future, I'd give up all the preparation in the world for a future with Sawyer in it. I'd be unprepared and stressed and crazy, just to hold her one more time. Because nothing could have prepared me to say hello and goodbye all at the same time to my first child, my first daughter.
I'd take pictures of her feet. I'd take a bow to put on her head. I'd dress her in an outfit and keep the blanket that smells like her. I would let my best friends come see and hold her. I'd hold her longer and take more pictures. If I could've been prepared, I would've.