7.5 months. 32.5.. That's how much time Sawyer was alive and on this Earth. During that time I did a lot, and guess who was right there doing all of it with me? She did more than some people do in a lifetime. So this post is all about the life that Sawyer lived and all of the things she experienced, could hear and feel, and got to do.. all while I held her inside of my belly.
Sawyer got to be in the ocean, and went to the beach both trips. That's more than some people go to the beach in their 90 year lives. The beach is my favorite place and my dream is to live in North Carolina someday, so having these memories during my time with Sawyer mean so much. Knowing what I know now I wouldn't take back a second I had with her, and that's what I'd tell anyone worrying during their pregnancy. I had no idea, and nothing I did would make a difference, so now I have memories with her I wouldn't have had if I laid in a bed worrying my entire pregnancy.
I've had a lot of amazing summers, and done some crazy things, but nothing will ever compare to the summer I spent with my daughter. No birthday will compare to waking up at my moms and turning 23, spending the day excited about her Peyton Manning jersey coming in the mail and going to eat with all of my close friends and eating enough for the both of us. I just keep thinking of the adventures we got to go on, and if her life had to be as short as it was, I'm glad we spent it together. I'm glad she experienced all she could and that I wasn't afraid to live life to the fullest for the both of us. I'm always going to remember the songs that were new on the radio, the cravings I had (eating a jar of mini dill pickles in the car and ice cream everywhere we went), and the craziest road trips I'll probably ever experience as the time I got to spend making memories with my daughter. I just wish I knew then that it was all we would get.
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